Sunday, March 17, 2013

What is Perfect?

Perfect is anything without flaw. Now, if you were to ask 10 people what perfect was you would get a different answer each time. No one is perfect, but Jesus. It's a natural thing, we all have flaws and we can't change that.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Architecture and Growth

This island is very pleasant and is the perfect getaway paradise. There are no mountains here. We are somewhat isolated from everyone, but the island can be found just off the coast of Florida. The island is somewhat self-sufficient but we do have imports from the United States and we do send exports to the United States. Our energy comes from the sun, we rely on solar power for our energy. There is always two security guards at the gate to get into the island.


There is a president and a vice president who govern TOGETHER! There are no branches of government just the president and vice president. The leaders are chosen by a vote of the citizens.
The laws include:
1. Be nice to everyone and love them like you would anyone in your family.
2. Always report to work and be on time.
3. Never intrerupt children's school unless it is an ABOSOLUTE EMERGENCY.
4. Do not murder.
5. Do not steal.
The consequences of breaking these laws include: Being taken to jail, being sent off the island, and being executed. The court system will determine what your punishment is depending on the degree of your crime or which law you broke. The police always do a check around the island, both in their police cars and by walking. There is a small prison, where about 20-30 inmates can stay. Medical and disabilty issues are always looked upon by the government, and you are always helped by the government, if needed.


Family, religion, race, culture, language, and wealth are all important assesses to my utopian island. However, all races, religions, cultures, and languages are welcome. My utopian island encourages families. And everyone makes a different amount of money for a different job so, wealth is up to you and whether you want to work at a job that pays more or pays less. Everyone is given a rental car when they first arrive  to keep until they have enough money to buy one of their own. However, the island is limited on what kinds of cars are avaliable but other than that you can buy whatever kind of car you want that is being sold on the island.

Utopian Street Art

  Utopian Street Art is anything that someone makes that is unique and expresses some kind of feeling. This particular peice of street art is very unique. It represents My island utopia because it shows how everyone should love everyone for who they are....and shows that everyone on the island loves everyone.